Our goal in the field of quality is to be among the best in the field of printing and further processing of printed matter and always to satisfy customer requirements, especially with the quality of products and within the set deadlines. The management wants to achieve the above goals as well as the personal commitment and activity of all employees, as well as the continuous improvement of management processes and increasing the professional qualifications of all employees.
The basic philosophy of our company in the field of environment, work safety is the following:
We are an integral part of the society and we realize how we work with our surroundings and employees. Even a small impact on the improvement of the environment, the fulfilment of all legal and other requirements in the field of environmental protection and occupational safety is of fundamental importance, and every step in this direction has its justification.
We are committed to continuous improvement of the integrated management system and fulfilment of its and other requirements. The goals of IMS in individual areas are set to increase the quality of our services and improve environmental and safety profiles.
We are committed to the prevention of environmental pollution and health and safety.
Maintaining compliance with binding obligations in the field of the environment and occupational safety is our priority.
The company’s policy is communicated in an appropriate manner to all employees and persons who work for the company or on behalf of the company, including contractual partners.